An old woman far away has died and, in the manner of Donne, perhaps we can spare a moment of silence in acknowledgement of the Clod that has washed away, and that truly would be more than decent, more than enough.
Brilliant Ruel.... I really enjoyed every word that made each sentence into spellbinding paragraphs!
I hope the bourgeois take note and start returning the Crown Jewels stolen from the Maharajahs and Kingdoms of Africa and India. Ten Centuries of Bondage and Pillaging of peoples of non-Caucasian genes. Chuckie the Third Reich finally got a job at 73 years old!!
Thank you all for reading and for the comments. What I hope to do is spark a conversation on these sort of issues.
For me, this is a Sunday morning eye opener, thanks for sharing with us
Brilliant Ruel.... I really enjoyed every word that made each sentence into spellbinding paragraphs!
I hope the bourgeois take note and start returning the Crown Jewels stolen from the Maharajahs and Kingdoms of Africa and India. Ten Centuries of Bondage and Pillaging of peoples of non-Caucasian genes. Chuckie the Third Reich finally got a job at 73 years old!!
Great read. Thank you
Thank you.
Well done. About as relevant a historical piece as anything we are currently reading glossing over and trying to perfume the rotten stench.
Bravo Ruel!